These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Privacy First
Do not divulge personal information without permission or track users. Violations such as doxxing will result in suspension.
Respect Always
Engage in thoughtful and respectful conversations and debate. Steer clear of harassment, slurs, impersonation, trolling, and targeted hostility.
Act Lawfully
Comply with the law in your local jurisdiction and the European Union (hosting location of PrivacySafe Social).
Must Be 18+
All users of PrivacySafe Social must be at least 18 years of age. By creating an account, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older.
No Spam
Refrain from unsolicited Direct Messages (Private Mentions) and replies. Repetitive, automated posts & activity are considered spam.
Sexually explicit content, cartoon or camera pornography, and excessive violence or gore can result in suspension.
Credit Authors
Give proper attribution to authors, artists, and organizations and provide the original sources wherever feasible.
Disclose AI
Acknowledge the use of AI such as ChatGPT and Midjourney in posts and media. Automated accounts must be marked and not spam bots.